Review of Marco Polo Advisor’s activities in 2013

In spite of a difficult market for the corporate finance activities, which in 2013 in Italy recorded a -6% in transactions in the small-mid cap segment, reaching the lowest number ever of 634 (source: Thomson Reuters), Marco Polo Advisor has maintained a significant level of activity and has set the basis for further development in the near future.During the year a number of projects had been conducted, and in particular: - Four projects completed with an extraordinary transaction, including the acquisition of Enta Ticketing Solutions by Best Union Company, the acquisition of Gazzotti by TIB group, the capital [...]

Corporate restructuring:the point of view of CRO

On 21th November took place at the offices of Marco Polo Advisor in Bologna, the second round of a program started in the summer, which explore the topic of restructuring, and to provide information, inspiration and ideas to industry professionals. From time to time an authoritative exponent opened the meeting by giving his contribution on the topic, and then letting the word out to participants (consultants, managers and professionals). In this second edition we have discuss the issue from the point of view of an actor who participate in practice in all the processes in question: the CRO (Chief Restructuring Officer), [...]

A new team for Marco Polo Advisor dedicated to international development

We are delighted to announce the entry into Marco Polo Advisor of a new team in Rome: Stefano De Marchis and Alessandro Bartoli formerly operating operating as Med Partners.Med Partners has developed a dedicated practise in the area of financial transactions in emerging markets, in particular in India, China, the Persian Gulf and Malaysia. The team, with a background of over 20 existing transactions on these markets is one of the leading specialists in these markets at a European level , and has developed a strong network of relationships with leading financial players in these markets.The strategic integration with Med Partners [...]

Roundtable on financial crisis: a periodic meeting for specialist

Last July, in our offices in Via Ugo Bassi , 13, in Bologna, Marco Polo Advisor have planned a round table "The search for partners in financial crisis" that have a very good feedback.So, and at the request of some professionals in the field who participated , we have planned a periodic meeting on these issues, as an opportunitiy to learn and network deepening between professionals.We therefore request you to give us a feedback , and tell us about the future topics you'd like to examine, or new people to invite again as part of roundtables.The next meeting will be held in October and will be dedicated to the presentation [...]
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