
Best Union Company S.p.A., a Bolognese company founded in 1999 and quoted on the Stock Market since 2008, is one of the main operators worldwide in the sector of planning, production, marketing and management of electronic ticket office systems and control of access as well as the management and organization of welcome and security services for events


Amit is a company that is active in the sector of ticketing and the management of computerized ticket offices for theaters, fine art, music and shows, in addition to the creation, promotion, production and marketing of music, opera, dance, theatre, concerts, films and shows of every kind

20th July 2010
Ticketing & Staffing
Type of Project

Type of Project

Purchase by the Best Union Company Spa of 100% of the shares of Amit Srl for a sum of 1.15 million Euro. Transaction financed to the tune of 50% through liquid assets, and 50% through a 5-year financing contract with Carisbo, the Intesa San Paolo group.
